Strength Training

Resistance-based strength training is one of the most important and impactful types of activity to help ensure strong bones, bodies, and minds. Whether the focus is muscular stability, endurance, or strength, the value remains. We offer an evolving range of classes that give members unique and creative options to explore and find what makes them feel stronger. Remember, consistency is key, so make these classes part of your weekly routine.


super-set your way through four rounds of an upper and lower-body focus using heavy weights.


An express-class to focus on your shoulders, arms, chest, back, and core.


An express-class to focus on your legs, hips, and core.

Interval Training

The benefits of higher-intensity interval training are well documented. A well balanced training plan should include some of these efforts to help boost metabolic conditioning and prepare your body for the higher-demands of daily-life as well as an athletic approach to living.

Quick HIIT

An express-class with short bursts of big efforts meant to drive your heart-rate and breathing wild.

The Ladder

The ultimate interval class where you control your intensity and learn to extend your effort to the edge of breathlessness.

Circuit Training

Strength training and metabolic conditioning come together in these fast, fun, and terribly addictive classes.


A solo circuit of EMOMs and AMRAPs. Not sure what that means? Come find out.

Band Camp

Small groups move together through a challenging circuit of resistance- band based movements and build team energy that drives the class forward.

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