Vinyasa Yoga

The Vinyasa style focuses on a sequence of postures given at a steady tempo of movement set by a smooth and even breath. The practice is a moving meditation that brings the body through all ranges of motion helping to develop strength and body awareness. This class will build heat and strength but not beyond the ability to take a deep breath.

Slow Flow Yoga

Come find your space and your pace in our Slow Flow yoga class. The movements and poses are similar to Vinyasa, but in Slow Flow we spend more time in each pose, settling into our bodies and awareness for many breaths. You are encouraged to come as you are and move with purpose as we explore the deep connection between our breath and how we move. The slower pace also means we give our wrists and shoulders a break from the steadier pace in Vinyasa. All levels are welcome to this moderate intensity experience where we will always be able to slow down and take a deep breath.

Restorative Yoga

Come rest and restore in this gentle class focused on bringing our bodies back to balance. This is a supported, slow-paced class with minimal movement or flow. Postures are held for longer periods of time, using plenty of props to maintain relaxation, allowing us to feel the slow and steady change of release in the body and mind. All levels are welcome to this non-impact, minimal weight-bearing class.

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